Hi there.
As someone who works in the Traditional East Asian Medical field, I have strong views on what is and isn’t good for a person’s body, mind, lifestyle, and soul.
Oftentimes these views differ from what Western Medicine, modern society, and the Health & Beauty industry have taught us, but are more aligned with what we actually need and will benefit us.
I call these views my “Unpopular Opinions.” ↴
“Good Vibes Only” is Toxic BS
I have seen this all over social media, on bumper stickers, and coffee mugs and I cringe every time. While I 100% believe “you reap what you sow,” and “what you project you attract,” I cannot buy into the notion of “good vibes only” for the sole reason that it does not allow space for us to feel the full range of our humanness. It is a completely unnatural message in our world; even physics tells us every object or energy has an equal and opposite, and Traditional East Asian Medicine is based on the principles of yin and yang, opposites which cannot be separated.
“If you can shape it in your mind,
you will find it in your life.”
– My fortune cookie