Hi there.
As someone who works in the Traditional East Asian Medical field, I have strong views on what is and isn’t good for a person’s body, mind, lifestyle, and soul.
Oftentimes these views differ from what Western Medicine, modern society, and the Health & Beauty industry have taught us, but are more aligned with what we actually need and will benefit us.
I call these views my “Unpopular Opinions.” ↴
Who Prescribed You All of Those Supplements?
As an acupuncture physician and nutritionist many of the people on my daily schedule are looking for alternatives to the industrial medicine complex and its reliance on pharmaceutical interventions. While pharmaceuticals are fast-acting, which makes them attractive in our modern society of quick fixes, their side effects are often intolerable and at times even deadly, so patients look for “natural” and holistic alternatives.
Dry Needling *IS* Acupuncture
I woke up this morning to another article about an athlete’s career ending because they got a pneumothorax (lung puncture) after receiving dry needling from a physical therapist. This upsets me because 1) this injury is happening way too often, 2) gives all of us in the needling professions a bad look, and 3) is completely avoidable with proper education.

“If you can shape it in your mind,
you will find it in your life.”
– My fortune cookie