Hi there.
As someone who works in the Traditional East Asian Medical field, I have strong views on what is and isn’t good for a person’s body, mind, lifestyle, and soul.
Oftentimes these views differ from what Western Medicine, modern society, and the Health & Beauty industry have taught us, but are more aligned with what we actually need and will benefit us.
I call these views my “Unpopular Opinions.” ↴
Dry Needling *IS* Acupuncture
I woke up this morning to another article about an athlete’s career ending because they got a pneumothorax (lung puncture) after receiving dry needling from a physical therapist. This upsets me because 1) this injury is happening way too often, 2) gives all of us in the needling professions a bad look, and 3) is completely avoidable with proper education.

“If you can shape it in your mind,
you will find it in your life.”
– My fortune cookie